COVID19 Exposure Site Checklist

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The COVID19 pandemic has accelerated change in Australia’s health industry. Providers across every sector have experienced an increased need for innovation, collaboration, problem-solving and digitisation.

Health providers that have found their premises listed as a COVID19 exposure site have also faced unprecedented challenges. Many clinics have had entire teams forced into immediate quarantine, and have had to rely upon remote working arrangements to continue providing patient care.

The COVID19 pandemic has undoubtedly been a stressful and demanding time for health professionals nationwide. However, having a cloud-based clinic can ensure that your doctors and administrators are ready to Work From Home (WFH) with minimal disruptions.

Are your staff prepared for notice that your practice is now a COVID19 exposure site? We’ve prepared a free checklist to help you prepare so that your team can enact WFH arrangements quickly and effectively. This also includes a bonus Staff Access Checklist to easily keep track of your team’s WFH details.

Download our free COVID19 Exposure Site Checklist

Simply fill out the form to receive your checklist to help make sure you practice is prepared to suddenly start operating from home. We will direct you straight to the checklist, plus we’ll email the download link to your inbox.

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